OceanX @Transport Logistic 2023
Thanks for a great OceanX@Transport Logistic 2023 in Munich!
During May 9-12, 2023 the industry convened once more in Munich for Transport Logistic, after a dire 4 yours break due to the pandemic, attracting some 75,000 visitors this year and breaking new records!
We had the pleasure to run our OceanX stand in Hall B2 127/232 again, with our members Ambercor, Eurolanes, Good Logistics, ITG, NVO Consolidation and XXL Consolidation showcasing their businesses and a large range of members from all over the world attending too!
Also our eCommerce workshop on May 8th, as a warmup before the exhibition, hosted by our friends at ITG, was a great success, featuring a lot of inspiring best practice sharing, what remains one of our core objectives in the network.
The member dinner on May 11th was a highlight with a new record attendance and everyone enjoying Bavarian specialties!
We are pleased to share some impressions in below Video. Enjoy!
About OceanX
OceanX is a non – exclusive global network of leading ocean freight providers and NVOCCs dedicated to delivering bespoke innovative solutions, in particular on FCL services, LCL consolidation, dangerous goods and chemical logistics, temperature control, as well as project cargo handling.